Lemon Pesto

LIf you look the word pesto up you will find that it consists of a green sauce made of basil leaves, pine nuts, parmesan cheese and olive oil.

The pesto described above is well known as an Italian sauce used to season pasta called “pesto alla Genovese”, actually there are different ways of preparing it. In addition there are many different types of pesto depending on its main ingredient such as garlic, sage, walnut, pistachio, parsley, kale, rocket pesto and many others.


Among all types of pesto for today’s recipe I have chosen Lemon Pesto.


  • 1 cup basil leaves, cut in small pieces
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 50g pine nuts
  • 30g parmesan cheese, grated
  • 1 glove of garlic
  • Zest and juice of one lemon
  • A pinch of salt

1 – In a food processor mixer the basil leaves, pine nuts and garlic.

2 – Add the olive oil, zest and juice lemon and salt and pulse to obtain a cream sauce.

3 – Finally add the cheese to it (pulse just enough to crumble well the cheese).

Tips – If you cannot easily find pine nuts you can replace them with Brazilian nuts or walnuts.

Pesto can be enjoyed in many different ways: as a sauce for pasta, as a dip, as an ingredient for soups, on toasted bread, to dress vegetables and salads, as a bread filling and as a sauce to season meat and fish.


I will be joining the Fiesta Friday Link Party today. Would you like see what is going on  at this party hosted by Fiesta Friday and co-hosted by Judi @ cookingwithauntjuju and  Sandhya @ Indfused ?

Pesto de Limão Siciliano

Se você olhar o significado da palavra pesto, vai encontrar que a mesma consiste em um molho verde, feito de folhas de manjericão, pinolis, queijo parmesão e azeite de oliva.

O pesto descrito acima é bem conhecido como um molho italiano usado para temperar macarrão, chamado “pesto alla Genovese”, na verdade, existem diferentes maneiras de prepará-lo. Além disso, existem muitos tipos diferentes de pestos, dependendo do ingrediente principal que é usado no seu preparo, como: pesto de alho, sálvia, nozes, pistache, salsa, couve, rúcula e muitos outros.


Entre todos os tipos de pestos, para a receita de hoje, eu escolhi Pesto de Limão.


  • 1 xícara de folhas de manjericão, cortadas em pedaços pequenos
  • 1/4 xícara de azeite de oliva
  • 50 g de pinolis
  • 30 g de queijo parmesão ralado
  • 1 dente de alho
  • Raspa e suco de um limão siciliano
  • Uma pitada de sal

1 – Em um processador de alimentos bata as folhas de manjericão, os pinolis e o alho;

2 – Coloque o azeite de oliva, o sal, a raspa e o suco de limão e pulse até obter um creme;

3 – Finalmente adicione o queijo (pulse apenas o suficiente para esmigalhar bem o queijo).

Dicas – Se você não encontrar facilmente o pinoli substitua o mesmo  por castanha do Pará ou nozes.

O pesto pode ser apreciado de várias maneiras: como molho para massas, como uma pastinha para petiscos, como  ingrediente para preparar sopas, em pão torrado, para temperar legumes e saladas, para fazer recheio de pães e como molho para temperar carne e peixe.


9 Comments Add yours

  1. Pesto is one of my favorite things to make in the summer when my garden is overflowing with basil. I have grown lemon basil and it has a nice lemon flavor – great with fish. Thanks for sharing with Fiesta Friday 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Iwanttobeacook says:

      Thank you Judi ❤ Pesto is great, isn't it? My pleasure 😉


  2. Jhuls says:

    I just want to dive in into this bowl of beautiful pesto! I love lemons and this looks like something I’d love, too! Happy FF! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Iwanttobeacook says:

      Thank you Jhuls! If you love lemon you will not be disappointed 😉 Happy FF ❤ ❤ ❤


  3. Sumith says:

    Amazing pesto!!


    1. Iwanttobeacook says:

      Thank you Sumith!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the pictures! Garlic! That’s what I keep forgetting to put in mine 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Iwanttobeacook says:

      Garlic gives to it a nice touch 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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